Why Does Jesus Hate the Sex Offender? Part One


Why Does Jesus Hate the Sex Offender? Part One

Why does Jesus hate sex offenders?

            Greetings friends, and welcome to the why does Jesus series. A compilation of writings that will discuss the dynamics between Jesus, and the general public. We will for the sake of these articles, use the terms Jesus, church, god, or body of Christ to address the inquiry at hand. In this article we explore the reasons why Jesus hates the sex offender.

According to Pew research, the percentage of people in this country that claim to be Christian is around 70%. That means you, the body of Christ. Because you are the embodiment of all he represents (he is after all living in you). These questions to the body of Christ, are to serve the purpose of better understanding what is going on around us today.

            In other words, because Jesus runs the country, state, and county. We will address him directly as if he is here with us. Because he is, he has taken the human form of seven out of ten people in this country. We will examine if the country is being run based on Christian values, and ask the question. Should a country that claims to be secular, with all people’s needs and desires taken into consideration, be run on Judeo- Christian values alone?

The church believes that we all should suffer as they do. And that if it violates the law of Jesus, we should make it a state or federal law. Seperation of church and state?

            I would ask that you exercise patience during this adventure of discovery between us and Jesus. Because most Americans expect everything to be as quick and easy as a microwave meal. And you have grown accustomed to the less than wonderful flavor of the meal. Because today nobody wants anything with too much spice or flavor.

We just want it quick and easy please. Well, I will assure the reader now, this is not going to be quick, or easy. You must first allow me to establish some things. In order to do that, I must use several segments just to set the tone so to speak. To establish some baselines of achievable behavior and such.

            I will start with a discussion about a group of men that many of us watch on Sunday afternoons. The men of the NFL, and all they do in preparation for those games. And how long it took them to get where they are, and how well do they perform after getting there. With most of the players at the NFL level starting to play football at the age of five or six. I think we can agree that they are a product of a lifetime of training at a level more intense than the average person will experience.

            Even at the pee wee level of football the average number of hours of practice is around two hours each session. This is something that is done up to the next level, in most schools that would be high school. At that level the average number of hours dedicated to practice are still around two hours a day during school days. But prior to that during the summer, one can expect two a days, and that means a lot more time on the field.

During practice the players are learning the rules, techniques of the sport, and how to work together as a team. I would say that almost as much time as is given to training physically. The players are learning of the importance of the rules, and how to benefit from following them. Or being hurt as a team when one of them violates the rules.

            If a player can do all of those things better than anyone else, he might have a chance to go to college and play. And that is a big might. Because the number of young men playing football in this country far exceeds the number of colleges with football programs. If, after clearing the first big hurdle on the path to stardom. One finds himself at college, he can expect the grueling training session for football to take on an entirely new tone.

            The source https://www.businessinsider.com/college-student-athletes-spend-40-hours-a-week-practicing-2015-1  says college players can spend as much as 40 hours a week training while in class. And money.cnn.com states that this will be 50 to 60 hours a week when class is not in session. According to a lawsuit by the players at Northwestern College, the number of hours were about 1750 a year!

            I believe a bit of pondering over the numbers will leave most wondering how they actually learn anything, and that would be a valid concern. But the point I am making here is that even before reaching the NFL these men have committed themselves to arduous training. Thousands of hours of discipline.

Hours upon end learning how to follow the rules of the game, and let us be honest, there really are not that many rules in the game of football. Nothing really in the comparison to the hundreds of thousands of laws, rules, and ordinances we are expected to adhere to out here in the real world.

            So, after years of practice, thousands of hours of training in technique and rules. How does the average NFL player do? You may, or may not be surprised to learn that they fail at a rate that may astound you. Unless you have a good grasp of the human condition, at which point you will be amazed that it is not much worse. Even so we are going to look at the same numbers together just to see how a man can hold up under pressure.

The Best of the Best

            Not just any man my friends, but one that is the pinnacle of the sport. The very best of the best. A small fraction of the millions of players that start out in the pee wee league. And before the ball is even snapped there are 1,143 penalties in 41,915 plays. My source here is https://www.nflpenalties.com  and there is much and more in the way of penalties as one should imagine. Using the same number of plays, we get during play penalties, in the range of 3,216 yellow flags dropped on the ground.

Over a thousand violations before the ball is even snapped! Following thousands of hours of training.

            The stats from this were 2019 numbers, I can assure you that will be ridiculously higher for 2022 as there could scarcely be a play without a flag being thrown. With about 27, 752 yards exchanged by teams as a result of these penalties in 2019. You can see that when you break a rule in football it can hurt the whole team.

            How do the other players react when one of their own makes a mistake and it costs the team? Well, if it is the 2nd or 3rd time in close proximity, the coach may remove the player for a bit. Let him settle down, or talk to him and see what is going on. Actually trying, if the player is in the mood for this, to help him get back on track. Because the team needs him and the coach knows he is a starter for a reason. The good that this man brings to the team is what the focus is on, not his failings.

            His team mates may give him some words because that is what men do. Then a slap on the back with a good old dose of we will get it done buddy. Do not worry about it, do not think about it. The dynamics of the team are this, they all know, and do not pretend not to understand. Failure is a part of the game, hell, it is a part of life.

And because most any guy that has playing time can attest, you are going to get called at some point. And in order to move on and continue with the game, without distractions from something that happened in the past. They forgive the man, and they expect the same when their time comes.

            One thing of note here, and that is when a new rule is implemented, or an old rule revised, the number of penalties goes up greatly. The game becomes more restrictive, more opportunity to do something wrong. And it takes some of the fun out of the game. Both in its viewing, and the playing of the game. The NFL has done a real nice job of making the game about as fun to watch today, as watching rain drops racing down a window pane!

Speculating on which drop will get there first is as much fun as the modern football game!

            And this coming from an organization that makes billions of dollars off of its viewers and must work to maintain the interest in the sport or it will fade away. So, if a rule is too restrictive, and hampers the game too much. Resulting in too many penalties, many times the rule is revised or removed.

Wouldn’t that be cool if the people that lord over us cared as much for us, as the NFL owners care for their money? Then if a law hampers the game of life too much. Or, we are getting too many penalties handed out, then we look at the law and see about revising the law or eliminating it.

            Do not worry all you uptight folks out there, they are not going to do that. Not unless we demand that it be done. In the current evolution of our society, we have developed far more sheeple than wolves. So, the flock will continue to huddle together in fear of the wolves, not even making a move.

Everyone stays together! Anyone outside the group will perish.

            And in all fairness, we have only looked at the number of penalties that are called. We have not even entertained the number of dropped passes= failure, quarterback sacks= failure on the part of an offensive lineman. Muffed punts, errant throws, and the list can go on for some time you see. And still millions of viewers watch it all go down with great fervor and consumption of beverages and food! We tolerate the failings of these men.

            Now we should take a look at some of the reasons that can contribute to the failings of these highly trained men, and of course we must take many things into account. We can start with something many of these young men have a whole lot of at the age they come into the sport, the hormone testosterone!

            And in this ladies, you really need to just listen. Unless you have undergone a treatment of some kind that involved getting large doses of testosterone. And try and add to this part of the conversation. It would be like a man trying to tell you he knows how you feel during the nine months of carrying and giving birth. To even say that a man experiencing what testosterone does to them, and understands, would be a lie. Men only know of how they want to smash shit, kill, destroy, rape, pillage, and plunder.

Now only the church and state have license to rape and pillage.

            And that is exactly the way we acted in previous times, all around the world. Without exception it would seem. That hormone is responsible for untold suffering of the men having an attack of it, to those getting attacked by the men driven by rage. A rage they had no way of understanding or controlling in many cases. Humanity should be celebrating the fact that men act as well as they do during these lying times.

            In Ancient Rome they had a better, true understanding of the situation than the moderns of today claim. In those days of Ancient Rome, they considered men between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five, as mentally unstable. And I would fully agree with that statement as being an honest assessment of the male specie as we know him.

In modern times we blame the individual as being guilty of desiring that kind of behavior. By demonizing the poor sap suffering under the influence of the hormone. While laws have been continually passed that defy the natural man.

            I pointed out that the ancients had a better understanding of the human condition than we do. And I might add, that they were not as thin skinned as the candy ass Americans of today. In other words, they just tell the truth and everyone could see the logic of the statement. That logic could be based on casual observation. The people of old had the ability to think for themselves. Because unlike the institutions of today that teach our youth “what” to think, the sages of old knew it was much more advantages for the individual to learn “how” to think.

            We have only scratched the surface on the causes of man’s condition. Based on what we know and understand. Now take that hormone and mix in a whole lot of ego. Now we have a formula for one hell of a chemical reaction! If you are a person reading this that just cannot get the mental image of what I am trying to paint you here. Go to the cupboard and take out the bottle of vinegar.

Now go and find that box of baking soda. Get you a drinking glass and fill it about 1/3 full of the baking soda. That is the hormone testosterone. It is just sitting there doing not much of anything really. Now take the vinegar which is going to represent the ego of man. Now pour in the vinegar slowly, or really fast you be controller. A whole lot, or very little you be the judge. For you see, man can train or control the amount of ego one has. The testosterone is based on age, it is set, the only control mechanism is the controlling of the ego.

But that control must be instructed, not forced. But brought about by talking about the frailties of man, not hiding them. Our Western society led by Jesus teaches us to always look outward, at the other guy. To make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

That way when they are acting in a manner that contradicts the norms of society, or violates the law. You can point to the failings of that man, while ignoring your own. Because to become aware of your own failings forces one to work at improving one’s self. And that is much more difficult to do than try and expose others.

            To believe that the passing of a law, a string of words on paper. And be so stupid as to believe that those words will be recognized by the natural man. You know the hormones, ego, and all the other things that make you human. This is the equivalent of hiding a new stop sign behind the biggest bush you can find. Then putting in prison, every woman or man that runs the stop sign.

It does not have to make any sense, if the church and state say it is so, it is so.

            Now throw in that undeniable thing we call desire. Most of our desires come from the realm of the unconscious, the id, a place most of you will never go. Carl Jung used a term called the collective unconscious that I believe sums up where so many of our desires and fears emanate from. Now get this, the id, or all of our desires which the id wants fulfilled, are regulated by this thing called the ego! No kidding, and you wonder why men act the way they do?

            Do these things that men do, confine themselves to the plebe? The lesser man, those of you that are only a generation removed from the wild. Turns out the darn things are prevalent in most all men. Even those that claim the title of holy of holies. Those men and women of the cloth that are called they say, by the very god they worship and have sworn vows to. We will in the next segment, take a look at how those men have held up under pressure. I do hope you join us!
