Why is Jesus a Bigot? Part Two

Part Two

            Welcome back to the series of articles titled, why is Jesus a bigot? Join us as we examine the holy scriptures in search of the truth. As Prometheus unravels the mystery that is Christ. As well as the mystery as to why we endure the suffering imposed on people for being different. Why do we hate like we do? Why do we inflict pain on others? Why do we attack others for having opposing views? You have been taught over the millennia how to hate, through the very scriptures that many believe promote love.

Why is Jesus a bigot?

            Previously we examined the scriptures of the old contract, or testament. We found in those scriptures many proclamations, from a god that does not belong to us. And yet, through trickery we have him as one of three entities that make up the Judeo-Christian god. I emphasize that it is a god that does not belong to us. Because this god himself proclaims in numerous instances that he is their god, and nobody else’s.

            And because he is their god, they are his people. Because they are his people, they, the Jews, are the premier creation upon all the Earth. That by default makes all of you Gentile, heathens, less than they. That makes them superior. All because some dude named Moses beguiled the people many years ago into following a bunch of tyrannical laws that he, Moses instituted. As a reward for following the most draconian laws found in the land you can call yourself chosen. The holy, priestly class of humans.

The Jewish message is no different than that of the Nazis. The brainwashed Judeo-Christian refuses to see this.

            Through another hoax perpetrated upon the people, many Gentiles were persuaded, and that term persuaded, is a very benign way of saying it was forced on them. To then become a part of that wonderful family. As an adopted member of that family, you have the same wonderful bigoted views as the Hebrews of old, and many of the modern Jew holds to be true. Just to make sure you do not believe that Prometheus is blowing smoke up your ass.

            The question of, why is Jesus a bigot? Will be investigated further to reveal the truth concerning the new contract, or testament. Did the bigotry continue? Or in the blessed age of the lord Jesus, did things improve? What did the Jesus version of god have to say about the different kinds of people in the land? Is love and tolerance taught by the master? Or is it business as usual and if you are not a Jew, you are no better than a dog? You may be surprised!

            The first thing we have to come to grips with is that all of the disciples of the Christ were Jews. This should be a red flag for anyone with a brain. Many of you are already saying to yourself, “oh my gosh” because you have seen the bigotry on full display in the good book, and ignored it. In Matthew chapter 6, verse 7; And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking (NASBamp).

            It goes on to say in verse 32 that you should not worry about what to eat, or where you will sleep, as the Gentiles do. You see, Matthew is a Jew, and the prevailing view among Jews, is that all Gentiles are shit. I know this is a hard pill to swallow if your minister or priest has never shared this with you. Understand that these writings have been there for your own investigation all this time.

            Okay, I hear you, saying that this one disciple, one who would be spreading the message of the master. His writings are not to be the one we judge the entire gang on. And I hear your plea. But he is no less a disciple than any other. So, we shall go again to the master himself, according to the gospel of Matthew. And observe his attitude towards the Gentiles. We find in the same book of Matthew chapter 10, verses 5,6; These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: “Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter the city of the Samaritans; but rather go to the house of the lost sheep of Israel.” (NASB)

The teachings of the Talmud and the statements from Israel’s Rabbis are undeniable!

            “My goodness,” it appears that the master himself is a bigot. Why is Jesus a bigot? Because he just told his followers to stay out of the towns that are populated by Gentiles. The Jews had little regard for Gentiles, and it would seem the king of Jews has no exception to this rule of the day. And the Samaritans were a hated people of the Jews. I will explain that in a later article. The point has been made here. Jesus himself is a bigot.

            Adhering to, and agreeing with the laws of Moses in this case. And I may add here, that I do not find anywhere in which he was in favor of that changing while he was allegedly walking the Earth. Literally depriving non-Jews of the message of redemption, and all the supposed healing, and casting out of demons, for the Jews only. And, not even for the Jews. For the master says “I go only to the lost sheep, of the house of Israel.” If you understand the bible at all you know that this statement is puzzling.

            Israel is the nation made up of the ten northern tribes of Hebrews. The Judeans, and the Benjamites, were the only peoples left from the twelve tribes in Judea. The nation of Israel had been taken into captivity hundreds of years before. And then vanished from the history books, nobody knew where they had gone, or what people they identified with. If you know what you are doing you can look it up in the bible. The proof of what I tell you is there.

            Why is Jesus a bigot? Because he continues to give us one example after another as to his sentiments towards “lesser” people. If the master himself will behave in such a manner, does it not display the heart of the god? He is after all the same god that supposedly gave the commands to Moses concerning all the hate, and bloodshed of the old contract. I will give you but another example of the god himself behaving in a bigoted fashion.

            Please accompany me to the book of Matthew, chapter 15, verses 22-24; And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, “have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed” (NASBamp). But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and implored him, saying, “send her away, because she keeps shouting at us.” But he answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (NASB)

If you are looking for donations to help the Gentiles, do not bother J.C.

            This gracious lord goes on to say in verse 26 that it is not good to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs. So, she is a dog, or in todays terms she is a bitch. This from the mouth of the lord? The disciples too, do not petition for the woman to be heard, or her “cruelly” possessed daughter to receive relief. “Send her away!” Is their response to her cries for help. Wow! Please help me oh lord.” “You are not of my people; therefore, you are a dog.”

            That is a Merriam-Webster example of bigotry in motion I must believe. And again, I must ask; to the lost sheep of Israel? The house of Israel is the only group that is to receive his mighty instruction? And they are nowhere to be found. Sincerely you must feel compelled to do further research on this subject following this enlightenment? Why is Jesus a bigot, is becoming less of a question. And more of an investigation into how much of a bigot is Jesus?

            Just to make the waters of baptism a bit murkier. We see in Romans chapter 11, verse 28; From the point of view of the Gospel (good news), they, [the Jews, at present] are enemies [of God], which is for your advantage and benefit. But from the point of view of God’s choice (of election, of divine selection), they are still the beloved (dear to Him) for the sake of their forefathers (NASBamp). Even though these Jews, say Paul, are enemies of god, they are still the chosen, specially selected ones. Near and dear to the father god.

The sentiment from Jews to the Goy have not changed, why do we give them billions?

            The Gentiles are just so lucky that the Jews disregarded this new religion. The Romans sure saw the advantage to having all of you humans enslaved. Enslaved into a religion that would be the state religion/political force. As the body of Christ grew in size and power in Rome, the church supplanted the senate in the making of laws. Much like today in the U.S the church will make the laws, and the legislators decide which ones will be adopted.

There can be no Dispute with Interpretation

            While your churches, that continue to splinter and fracture, due to what is called, differences over interpretation. Prometheus has no problem at all deciphering what the guide for Judeo-Christian living is saying. Travel with me back in time to the book of Luke, chapter 22, verses 29, 30; And as my Father has appointed a kingdom and conferred it on Me, so do I confer on you [the privilege and decree], that you may eat at my table in My kingdom and sit on the thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (NASBamp)

            Unless I missed something, there is no mention of any Gentile swine ruling anything. During the alleged travels and teachings of this lord of all. He rarely mentions any desire, or requirement to help the heathen population. While there are instances in which this benevolent example of god on Earth bends the rules. This only lends to the confusion as far as this entity is concerned. He does end up helping the non-Jewish woman after calling her a bitch, and unworthy, her persistence pays off. Maybe the heathen has it correct concerning repetitious prayer?

            The bible is one of the more confusing religious texts ever written. I have enjoyed the sacred writings of many religions. And the Judeo-Christian is the most convoluted that I can say, with recent memory of other religions still fresh in my mind. Paul tells us that the Jews are the enemy of god. But they are still favored by him for they are a divine race. This looks a lot like the attitude the U.S takes with China. They are the enemy, but you still trade with them and allow them to set up corporations on U.S soil?

In the age of reason, if you believe this book, you will believe anything. Which is why the population is completely brainwashed.

            Any question about that is answered in 1 Peter chapter 2, verse 9; But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (NASBamp). You see, Paul speaks to the Gentiles, while, for the most part, the rest of the apostles speak to the Jewish population.

            That is correct, there are different messages for the two separate people that received the message. Later, by the votes of men, all included under one banner. If it was the purpose of this story, I could easily verify my interpretation of what the words before me mean. Using a concordance, and biblical dictionary, you too can dispel myth, for truth. Pay attention heathen to the address given to each group. A set of messages to the Jews, which pandered to their own prejudices, and desires. And one to the heathen, which expounded on how lucky they were to have the god of the Jews as their god.

            In another book of that guide for Judeo-Christian living, that of the book of Revelation. One of the most worthless books of that bible to be sure. But in it we find another address to the Hebrew nation.  Revelation chapter 7, verse 4; And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel (NASB). This is according to the writer of the book (who truly remains unknown), that there will only be Jews ruling over the tribes of Israel in what appears to be the final moments of life on Earth.

            Why is Jesus a bigot? Because it is a requirement to maintain membership in the family of god. You must hate that which god hates, which means that Jesus, being god, according to the Nicene creed, despises all that is listed in the old, and new contracts. Folks, there are many more examples than what has been shared here. While the abominations of Jesus are numerous, his less harsh views are even tough to believe. To make matters worse, we are given different examples by the different apostles.

            Because in another part of the bible Jesus goes to Samaria, talks with, of all things a “woman.” Stays in Samaria, the very city he told his followers to stay away from! Which example do you follow? The disdain for Gentiles by this Jesus is quite apparent, and is simply living in line with the age old beliefs held by these Jews from the beginning of their time. Is there any hope that this will change as time marches on?

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and Forever

            There is no hope of this ever changing. Because this god proclaims that he does not change. You can go to Hebrews chapter 13, verse 8, to read the words in the heading. In Malachi chapter 3, verse 6, we read of when Jesus, using the old name, proclaims the same thing. He does not change! This is why the church, or body of Christ, is decaying before your eyes. The foundation of Christianity is crumbling, because people have eaten from the tree of knowledge.

Just as these stones have not changed in thousands of years, so too are the scriptures frozen in time. While Stonehenge still tracks the cosmos, the scripture has lost its footing.

            The most recent split within the body of Christ, is currently occurring between the “United Methodist” congregation. Not over interpretation of the scriptures, but due to the Great Realization. The Great Realization by many of the members of that body, no longer will tolerate hatred, and bigotry. They realize, based on their own understanding, that to hate someone because they are gay, lesbian, Muslim, black, felon, we can list names all day long. The list of those hated by the church (body of Christ) is extensive.

            Those that split from the church over doctrine, do so because they either ask the question; why is Jesus a bigot? Or they appreciate the fact that they are able to hate a particular group with the blessing of a bigoted god. All you must do is include yourself into the family of bigots. A family in which the father is a hater of change. A father that despises his children for learning things and becoming smarter.

            Why was Adam and Eve supposedly kicked out of the garden? For eating of the tree of knowledge! If the sciences had been allowed to flourish, instead of being squashed at every turn by Christianity, our world would look much different than it does today. When Galileo Galilee had his great realization, that the Sun rotates around the Earth. In contrast to what the church was teaching at the time. He was threatened with execution. If he shared that which he knew to be true, which proved god wrong, he would be killed. As it is he spent the last ten years of his life on house arrest. And was not allowed to print anything that challenged the church.  

Simply trying to improve your life can be a challenge to god (government) that can see you exiled.

            I implore you to educate yourself in this for your own good, and the good of all people and the planet. When you know these things sufficiently to satisfy your own understanding, then I ask that you spread that knowledge. We must replace hate with love within ourselves first. Then, and only then, can we teach others how to love, which results in peace. Amor Fati



To expedite your search for the truth.

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