Why does Jesus Hate the Infirmed?

Part One

            Welcome to the series that examines where the origin of much of our hate in society comes from. In this article titled, why does Jesus hate the infirmed? We will investigate why Jesus hates the infirmed, and why in our current society, the infirmed have been mistreated. And when I say mistreated, I am saying that the infirmed are abused. Abused at the hands of the government, ignored by the body of Christ, you know as the church.

  We will start with the origin of the hatred for the infirmed. And why, all these years later, it is still relevant. The Judeo-Christian god is Jesus. And according to the Nicene creed, he has been with us since the beginning. Sharing as it is, the very essence of the old Hebrew god, Yahwe. The body of Christ is the church on Earth. The people that make up our society for the last 1500 years or so. And it may surprise those of the flock, that Jesus hates the infirmed. But it should only come as shock, if you have failed to observe the relationship between humanity and Jesus, as I, Prometheus, have witnessed this travesty.

            The reason Jesus hates the infirmed, is because the very origin of illness, whether that illness is mental, or physical. Either comes from Jesus himself, or is allowed due to the disobedience of the follower, of this terrible belief system. And in most cases, there is plenty of proof provided from the good book, written we are told by the hand of god himself, through a scribe or prophet. In other words, Jesus hates the infirmed because they did not do what he told them to do, from the mouth of a priest. Never directly to the subject themselves. We can find one such example in the book of Leviticus.

            In Leviticus, we find in chapter 26, Jesus telling his new followers that if they do what he tells them to do, he will shower them with blessings. And then things go dark starting in verse 14 of that chapter. This is when Jesus informs his followers that if they decide to make their own choices, things are going to get bad for them. In verse 16, he tells his beloved children, that if they decide to disregard his commands, this will happen. Leviticus, Ch. 26:16; I will do this: I will appoint over you [sudden] terror [trembling, trouble], even consumption and fever that consume and waste the eyes and make the [physical] life pine away. You shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it (NIV amp).

            It always amazes me when I hear Judeo-Christians speak of this Jesus who loves them, no matter what. This is not unconditional love folks; this is a love that only exists as long as you do what you are told to do. Jesus hates the infirmed, because he is the very cause of the sickness in the first place. Well, truthfully, it is your disobedience that is the cause, he is simply fulfilling a promise. The sickness, whatever that may be, is a physical manifestation of the wrong you have done, many times, not even knowing what it is you have done. It does not end there, but you get the idea. It goes on to give more promises of suffering inflicted upon the disobedient.

            Jesus hates the infirmed, because they did not do what he tells them to do. The people around the sick, not only hate them too, they will call for the punishment, or the excommunication of the ill. Afterall, if they are the abomination (hatred) of the lord himself, then it would bring wrath upon themselves to offer comfort to such a horrible person. In many cases of old, it would bring the entire community of believers to despise anyone that offers help to such people. Or, the accusation, that the compassionate one, may share in the sin of the afflicted.

            Listen to another little bit of advice from this god in the book of Deuteronomy, Ch.28:22; The Lord will smite you with consumption and with fever and with inflammation and with fiery heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish (NIV amp). The word consumption being used to describe any number of terrible illnesses that afflicted those in ancient times. It is the sin of the person being afflicted that brings this all about. Not a virus, or bacteria, working on its own. But put there by the very lord that claims to love you. Jesus hates the infirmed because they acted outside his commands.

            If you think that having a good relationship with Jesus is security against such things. Think again my friend. Even his chosen vessel, from which we are told the savior of the world would emanate from, David, found no relief from the punishment. Except in this case the sinner himself would not be afflicted. In 2 Samuel:13-15, we learn that Jesus would kill the little baby of David’s to punish the offender. But of course, the baby was not innocent in the true sense of the word. Remember, everyone of you were born into sin. Not because of what you had done, but something a guy named Adam allegedly did.

            In the modern era it is understandable why so many are sick and dying around us. In another passage of the bible, we find that an ancient king that made peace with another king, and joined in an alliance with him for the safety of his people, received this as his reward. In the book of 2 Chronicles: 16:12; In the ninth year of his reign Asa diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians (NIV amp). Jesus hates the infirmed, that is why they are sick. And why in the modern era, with roughly seven out of ten people in the U.S claiming Christian, do we have so many doctors?

            It would seem that the reason that king Asa died is because he sought the care of the physicians, over the intervention of the lord himself. He became ill in the first place, because he sought peace without being told to by the priest. Do we live in a faithless generation? And yet everywhere we look we see the hand of church/state meddling in the affairs of people. Why doesn’t the body of Christ banish these wicked doctors from the land of Judeo-Christians. Is it possible that your Jesus, is the very cause of all the illnesses that plague the shining city on the hill known as America? All because you “believers” trust more in the physician than your god?

Where does the hatred for the sick come from?

            I will, in the final section of this series of these articles give the modern example of hatred towards the infirmed. And will, in as much detail as possible, attempt to explain how normally kind people will turn on each other, out of what they believe is defense of themselves. I believe that I have shown here today the origin of hatred for the sick. And why Jesus hates the infirmed. The origin, if we are to believe the good book, comes from Jesus himself. But how do we know this? Because it is written in the book which has been the guide for wholesome living for a good many generations. A book we are told was written by Jesus himself, through the hands of the scribe or prophet.

            Who has it been ordained to deliver such messages of blessings, and curses? The most powerful, and celebrated class of people since the inception of this horrible religion. The priests, the ministers, the pastors. The word pastor in Latin, actually means herdsman, or sheep herder! So, all of you sheeple out there, when you address your pastor next time, you will fully understand the significance of his title. You have been steered, both by the words, and the person teaching you these words from the bible. This class of people are to be listened to, and obeyed, as if they are god himself. I will give you a quick example just in case you think I am leading you astray. 

            We travel back in time to when king Uzziah was ruling Juda. In the book of 2 Chronicles 26:16-20; But when [King Uzziah] was strong, he became proud to his destruction; and he trespassed against the Lord his God, for he went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense. And Azariah the priest went in after him and with him eighty priests of the Lord, men of courage. They opposed King Uzziah and said to him, it is not for you Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord, but for the priests, the sons of Aaron, who are set apart to burn incense.

            Withdraw from the sanctuary; you have trespassed, and that will not be to your credit and honor before the Lord God. Then Uzziah was enraged, and he had a censor in his hand to burn incense. And while he was enraged with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord, beside the incense altar. And as Azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked upon him, behold, he was leprous on his forehead! So they forced him out of there; and he also made haste to get out, because the Lord had smitten him.

            I will now give the observations of a Pagan God. Eighty priests going in after one man does not make them men of courage as depicted by the scribe. This recording, or shall we call it propaganda, was written as an example to the people that if you yourself, argue with a priest, you too shall have leprosy. Being a leper in those days was very unpleasant. You were forced to live outside the city or “civilization” in your own little colony of folks, all of which would have been viewed as sinners against god. We know today that this is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. It is a slow growing bacterium. (https://www.cdc.gov/leprosy/index.html)

            Another example of a rebellious king can be found in 2 Chronicles 21:12, and in this instance the Lord caused the bowels to fall out of the king, in this case King Jeroham. We now know this to be Colorectal carcinoma (https://pubmed.ncbi.nih.gov/15785440 ). It took two years to cause his asshole to fall out, taking his guts with it we can safely assume. This was of course presented by the priests as an example of what happens to you when you are naughty. Right, Santa gives you a lump of coal, Jesus causes your guts to fall out, or for you to become a leper. All of this spoken from the mouths of priests, pastors, ministers of the gospel (good news). And you wonder why people of old were so cold blooded towards those suffering from an illness of any kind?

            It is of the utmost importance that if you decide to continue to read this series of articles, that you remember this. Diseases that are recognized by science today, and many times treatable, or curable, were diseases that marked people hated by god, punished by god. In other words, they had it coming! No compassion afforded these poor people, afflicted by diseases out of their control in most cases. And as I have said before, if this individual is hated by god, then you had better not find it in your heart to love them, or have empathy for them. As a person could take great delight in seeing another human being suffer, because it was not them.

            After all, if you just did what you were supposed to do, this would not have happened to you. A feeling of superiority comes over the non-afflicted, a false sense of righteousness to know that Jesus must love you, because Jesus hates the infirmed. And in every case, this was reinforced by the priests, priests that you were forbidden to contend with. If kings could be brought down by their arrogance against the priests, then how much worse for the peasants? Please re-visit this subject when the next set of truths shall be revealed to you. Does it get any better under the new and improved contract, you know as the New Testament? Amor Fati

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